Thinking About The Future

drivingEveryday, I drive by the nice Retirement homes that house likely at least one hundred seniors in their own little suites or units. I often wonder what it would really be like to live in one of those when I get older.

In a way, it might be nice as there are usually “common areas” where people can choose to be so they can visit during the afternoon over coffee with others or during a meal. Loneliness would not be a concern I think. I wonder how many “strange” people I might meet that way though as well. Could be quite interesting while being enjoyable at the same time.

It seems these places don’t charge a lot of rent or they appear to have lower selling prices. There is something called a lifetime lease now that seems to be the latest fad for seniors housing. Yes, I have been looking at this as it sounds like a feasible option.

Yes, I am thinking about what a faraway future living situation may potentially be. However, I admit, I have thought about what to do when I retire and when I am a senior since a young age of around eleven. And, I still am not sure….


— Anne Nikon, WJS Executive Director BC Operations