It’s a New Year with New Goals

typing goalsIt’s still that time of year to set new goals or re-evaluate old ones. Why do goals still matter? When it appears that many people never achieve their goals or abandon them before giving them a “fair shot”. Studies show that goal setters are far more successful than people who “fly by the seat of their pants”.

How can you be successful in achieving your goals? How can you stay motivated? Anyone can set goals, but to achieve and stay motivated is hard work. What I found that works for me is to be positive about yourself. You have to be in a positive frame of mind for goal setting to work. Give yourself a “pep talk” and write it down. It will be there for you when you need it. Write positive qualities about yourself – it will empower you. The feeling of empowerment can help you achieve amazing things.

Write your goals down. I cannot stress this enough. Goal writing helps to clarify what you want, keeps you on track and accountable. It’s not enough to just write your goals down, you must provide solutions as to how you plan to achieve your goals. When you know how to achieve your goals you are more likely to take action! Keep your goals visible; such as on the dash board of your car, on your fridge or even taped to your mirror or computer screen.

Goal setting needs to be specific, measurable, achievable and realistic.

Whether your goals are for fitness, finance, health, weight loss, or career related, remember to write them down as it will move you in the right direction.


— Karen Topham, WJS Canada Finance Manager