Understanding Cyberbullying
When adults think of bullying, our thoughts turn to the school bully who’s intent was to cause fear, humiliation, intimidation, and distress to another person’s body. Over the past ten years, cyberbullying has become something that today’s youth experience and/or witness on a daily basis. Bullying and Cyberbullying are serious social issues. In 2010, Canadian teachers ranked cyberbullying as the highest issue of concern, suggesting that as high as 89% of youth experience bullying and violence in our public schools. As social service providers, we all have a role in creating supportive environments where youth can feel accepted and safe.
So, how much do you know about Cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is a learned behaviour developed over time and carried out through relationships on social media. The internet allows people to remain anonymous and unidentified. The idea that “no one knows me” can increase bullying actions and makes it difficult to hold people accountable for their behaviour. Youth are particularly prone to being involved in cyberbullying due to their inability to understand how their decisions and behaviour affect others in the digital world.
What can WJS do as service providers for our clients whether they are vulnerable adults or youth in our care?
There needs to be a coordinated approach to promote awareness and establishing partnerships that lead to providing ongoing support and education to our clients and the communities we live in. Data and evidence needs to be collected to develop strategies that support youth and families. Ensure that the work we do to develop healthy relationships through our programming and interventions. Positive interactions lead to healthy relationships. Teaching our clients how to report cyberbullying and ensure that our laws reflect the core values in our society. Providing community information workshop for our staff that work with youth or vulnerable persons. Develop and maintain an ‘anti-bullying’ website by creating an information hub on for clients, staff, parents, caregivers and community that includes new human rights legislation, online safety and the positive use of social media.
— Steve Quin, WJS Canada