
RunningAt WJS, our primary role in the care of individuals in our service is the diligent oversight of their physical, mental, and emotional health. Many individuals in our service – persons with disabilities, at risk youth, and individuals with acquired brain injury – have distressed, damaged, or compromised neural systems. Regardless of the cause, our role is to promote healthy living and this means helping preserve and nourish their brain and neural health.

One of the simplest ways is through exercise and activity. Exercise has proven to be effective antidote against the effects of aging, disease, and mental illness so why is exercise and physical activity such a natural healer?

Research has shown that exercise increases the body’s immunity to disease by increasing the body’s capacity to re-cycle harmful cellular waste. Exercise helps to get rid of damaged cell parts that lead to disease. Increased cardio-vascular flow from exercise increases the delivery of oxygen to cells and organs throughout the body which enhances bodily functions. Regular aerobic exercise prevents declines in thinking skills in older adults by promoting neuron growth in the area of the brain that is pivotal for memory and learning. The same effect has been shown for children and youth as regular exercise is positively related to better academic achievement.

Exercise does not have to vigorous or high exertion to be effective. Moderate exercise has been shown to alter the cell structure of fat cells making them more efficient and reduces harmful fat deposits. Stretching, yoga , and Tai Chi improve cognitive functioning and protection against decline for older adults. Moderate exercise such as yoga is a protective factor against gene damage which leads to the slowing of physical and mental deterioration because of aging

Physical exercise also improves emotional state and decreases depression, improves learning and memory, increases neural connections and the production of neurotransmitters that support growth and nutrition of brain cells.

At WJS, we have promoted the use of wellness benefits to pay for exercise classes, equipment, and related healthy ventures. Recently our HR department compared the use sick time of WJS employees who used the wellness supplement versus those that did not use it. The following chart shows the marked difference of sick time used between the two groups. This data does not prove exercise reduces illness because maybe the fitness buffs in WJS are using this opportunity to reinforce their existing healthy lifestyle. The charts do show that healthy lifestyles and activities contribute to a wellness profile.

Average Sick Hours Used per Year for Employees Who Did Not Use Wellness Initiative Versus Employees Who Used the Initiative


Wellness Chart

— Peter Farnden, CEO, WJS Canada