Oh Canada! Happy 150th Birthday!

Oh Canada!

Canada became a country 150 years ago. So many changes in those years. Can you even imagine what it would have been like to come to this land? I can’t. My parents can. They moved here in their youth from the Netherlands. They arrived by boat and landed on the east coast. From there they took a train and settled in southern Alberta. Specifically, in Coaldale.

My Opa (grandfather on my mom’s side) worked for a beet farmer. The family lived in a chicken coop as there was a lack of housing in the 1940’s. But they worked hard and eventually found their way to the Fraser Valley in British Columbia.

My Oma was always a stay at home wife and mom. My Opa was either a real estate salesman or an insurance salesman, I honestly don’t think I ever really knew! What I remember is how he instilled his love of this country and the opportunities it gave him and my Oma for their family. The lived for many years in New Westminster, BC but retired in Chilliwack, BC. I spent many weeks in the summer holidays visiting them.

Opa would tell us stories about the hardships they endured when they first moved to Canada. They hardly spoke any English as they were born and raised in Holland, and spoke primarily Dutch. They knew very few people, but quickly found a home in a church community and raised their children in the same faith. They learned English as they worked alongside others who spoke it. They always maintained their Dutch heritage and shared a lot of that with their 75 grand children (yep, I have lots of cousins!)

My dad’s parents spent a small amount of time in Coaldale, but then settled and set up a farm in Chilliwack, BC. Grandpa worked on the farm until he retired and handed it down to their oldest son. My dad moved away from home and was in construction. He never finished school past grade 8. In those days, children were needed to help work and run the farm. Dad never regretted not finishing school, and he always worked hard to provide for our family. We weren’t rich with monetary wealth, but we were never in need of anything.

That work ethic was instilled in us as children and we do our best to follow in their footsteps. This reflecting makes me think about the people who are less fortunate than we are. I witnessed this first hand when I visited India in January. So much poverty. Yes, there is poverty in Canada but not at all to the extent of other countries. We really do have it very good in this wonderful country of ours. This country always has, and continues to provide a lot of opportunity and hope for it’s people.


If you really read the words, our national anthem speaks volumes about what Canada stands for:

O Canada! Our home and native land!

For some this is their new homeland. They were able to be welcomed in when their own country was in such turmoil that it wasn’t safe.

For others there may have been a lack of opportunities in their own country and they came here to seek employment for themselves and a new life for their family.

True patriot love in all thy sons command.

Sons, daughters, we’re all included in this one. Doesn’t matter what size, shape, race, gender etc.

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,

Canada is a strong country. When Canadians travel abroad they are welcomed quite warmly because as a country, we have welcomed others from many nations. And we’re friendly eh?

The True North strong and free!

Freedom of speech.

Freedom of religion.

Freedom of sexual orientation.

Freedom to travel around the country without fear of an attack.

Freedom to travel from our country to many others.

From far and wide, O Canada,

From the far East to the Near West and parts in between people have come to this country. Many years ago for some, yesterday for others. Canada is open to so many diverse cultures.

We stand on guard for thee.

We have an army that keeps us safe and helps other countries regain their freedom.

We are incredibly blessed to have such freedoms. Unless you’ve visited a country that has fewer luxuries, you really don’t know how good you have it.

God keep our land glorious and free!

Not always an easy thing in this day and age with so many differences of opinions. We need to keep open minds and be accepting of others.

Freedom, fought for by our forefathers something we need to continue to be thankful for and remember. (November 11!)

Thankful for the men and women who every day put their life on the line for us. Police, army, navy, guards etc to name a few.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.


Happy Birthday, Canada!

— Marie Stad, WJS Canada