WJS Debuts the ACE Program

ACE ProgramIn September 2015 the partnership between WJS Canada, KPDSB and their shared vision of a way that student achievement and attendance could be improved opened its doors at the ACE Program. ACE stands for Academic Connections Through Empowerment and is a program that works to provide a safe, creative learning environment that enables students to experience academic success and personal development.

Since its inception the ACE has granted 7 credits and 20 HUB certificates. HUB is an online learning environment that provides modulated Life Skills programs related to Substance Abuse, Anger Management and Nutrition. The ACE has also worked in collaboration with other agencies in our community to provide skill development programs including LEAP who came and presented 3 separate certificates relating to Job Interviewing, Budgeting and Resume Building, as well as the Northwestern Health Unit who provided a 2 day Safe Food Handlers Course, and the OPP Community Officer who came and talked about Cyber Bullying. The ACE has also maintained a focus on developing life skills such as cooking and creativity with opportunities to participate in painting, drawing, music and dream-catcher making.

Though the ACE has dedicated seating areas designed to facilitate different types of learning, we operate in a fluid environment in which the youth are able to move around, rearrange the furniture, make music in the music space, go on the treadmill and take frequent short breaks. This fluidity allows the youth to work in a self-directed approach to academic work as opposed to a scheduled, directed approach. This permits the youth who have trouble sitting still space to move around and think, and for the students to work at their own pace without feeling the pressure or anxiety they feel in a mainstream classroom. The ability of the students to work with the teacher on a more one-on-one basis due to the smaller pupil-teacher ratio has helped those students who feel anxiety in front of a large group, but who really need direct attention from a teacher, acquire help for their learning. The students at the ACE have also been offered the opportunity to earn Co-Op credits for hours worked outside of ACE.

The environment provided at the ACE program lends itself to the development of well-being and safety for the youth who attend, giving them a safe place to be throughout the day. This sense of safety then allows the students to reach ahead and make academic gains that they may not be able to make otherwise in a mainstream school environment. We’ve seen improved attendance for all students when compared to their attendance at a mainstream school and have had two youth successfully transition into other alternative education classrooms. Through the collaboration of the Teacher, Transition Leader and local agencies the ACE is providing youth with not only academic success but also building the skills they need to live a successful and fulfilling life.

— Steve Quin, WJS Canada